In the event an order is not received or the shipped product is the incorrect size we will gladly send the correct size with no additional charge to you. Due to the nature of our business as "made to order", products cannot be refunded unless there is an error on our behalf. If you would like to exchange an item it must be shipped back to us within seven (7) days of purchase. Exchanges will only be warranted if item ordered is the same value of item to be exchanged. Please double check your cart before submitting your order! We will not issue an exchange for an error on the customer end.
Please be aware of shipping time frames as they will vary based on your area. A confirmation email should be received after purchase - if no email is received please reach out to us within 48 hours to sort the issue as quickly as possible. All orders will take a week to be processed, produced, and shipped - please be patient with us and we will surely do our best to provide excellent customer service. We recommend tracking your order as that as the best way for you to anticipate your order. Please keep your order number/confirmation email until you receive your order in case of any mishaps.
Currently, we only offer sizes up to XL but as the desire for larger sizes come about we will gladly produce and stock them on-site so stay tuned!
If you have any additional questions/concerns about your order, shipping times, etc. please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
We appreciate you and your support and look forward to providing you with an amazing shopping experience!